Dorsai Thing March 2006:
31 Flavors of Decadent Things

The Consuite

The chili and chowder competition Friday evening. Melissa Clemmer on left; Jane Haldeman on right; Jonathan Frank inspects the desserts


More from Friday: Erica Neely assists Bill Roper at registration; truly the only folks I recognize in the other picture are Melissa seated at the table and Daddy Guido standing just behind her. ID’s on other folks would be appreciated.


Sort of a pan-view of the consuite Friday evening. [come back with a list of names after I’ve looked at larger images]


These are actually the bookends of the pan view on the preceding page
Registration table with Roper and Erica on right.


I had a lovely long chat with Alisa Cohen (blue shirt). She and Wick are now living in northern Indiana not far from Valparaiso. Unfortunately I didn’t get the name of either the Terminally Cute Kid or his(?) mom. Help?

Mike Longcor joins Roper at the registration.


These are from Sunday: Hawkeye in his Oshkosh Shirt reviews the list of 31 Decadent Things, Anne Passovoy knits on a scarf, and Robin Passovoy just looks tired.

Friday’s filking:


Jan DiMasi at the table, doing beading I think; Erica grading papers, Roper with guitar; me with camera flash reflected in window. Unknown couple with a multitude of instruments.


Francoise and Wolf left; right are Alisa and her husband Wick Deer, Phread(?), Mark Bernstein, and three unknowns


A better view of Wick and Alisa; unknown sitting next to them, and the Suttons join the crowd. Me in window again: the flash didn’t go off on this one and I had to tweak the photo considerably to rescue it. Bill was trying to get a fragment of guitar string out of the inside of his guitar.


The Right End Of The Dial again. Alyse Middleton added, with guitar.


Marty Coady-Fabish arrives to announce that there is Single Malt Scotch to be tasted in the other room.
Note the applause.


Saturday: Dorsai Dance Revulsion


Saturday’s Banquet

Another pan-shot set (I’m going to break this up into two rows) Beginning on the left; view from the dance floor

There’s decadence, and then there’s decadence


And then there’s REAL dancing!


Gent in colorful shirt is Steve Salaba; didn't catch the lady's name, even though she WAS at my table.
Gent in beanie is Mark Osier.



Tara and Rhiannon Barber left; Dave Stein and daughter center, Suttons right.

Well, the "western" part of "Country and Western" WAS originally "Western Swing"…


Folks at my table. Left shot: Jerry Corrigan, Steve Salaba, Sam (last name not caught), and Bonnie Jones. Right shot: Gretchen Roper and Erica Neely 

Saturday’s Filking


[??]. Bremda Sutton, Bob Passovoy with washtub bass; Daniel Glasser standing


Erica, and Bill & Gretchen Roper


Hawkeye brought his washtub bass; and that is Jan DiMasi’s husband standing and singing. He should come to more filks! Andy Anda with the fiddle below left.  He’s wonderful!  That's Chris Passovoy sitting next to Bob on the right.



Would someone PLEASE tell me Francoise’s civilian name? This is about the 4th convention I’ve met her at, and never really been properly introduced! That’s John Hall beyond Hawkeye’s bass, an unidentified colorful shirt next to him, and Roper on the far left of the second photo.


Newly-made Kaydets Karen Dolley (spotted pants) and Kate Simmons (white shirt) celebrate while Mark Osier sings. And finally, Bob Passovoy prepares to pass along the ceremonial Turkey Feather to next year’s con-chair at Sunday’s breakfast.